Septic Tank
How does your septic system work?
The septic tank holds waste until it becomes heavy enough to sink to the bottom of the tank where it forms a thick layer of sludge. Lighter materials rise to the surface forming a thin layer of scum. Between the two layers sits clear liquid. Waste breaks down in the tank thanks to the millions of naturally occurring micro-organisms present.
How can insuffient microbial life cause septic tank failure?
Everyday wastes like paper, oil and grease, can be broken down by the millions of natural bacteria present in your septic tank, but when certain household chemicals like antibacterial soap and bleach are overused they can kill off those helpful bacteria. Too much water going down the drain can flush out a large portion the beneficial bacteria growing in the tank. In such a weak system, the sewage can buildup faster, eventually blocking the outlet pipes or possibly clogging your drainage field. When that happens a septic system backup occurs, requiring emergency pumping and possibly drain field replacement.
What is septic tank backup?
A septic tank backup is an ugly, stinky mess inside and outside of the home. Excess build up of sewage solids in your tank can go unnoticed until the system backs up and breaks down. When that happens additional sewage and wastewater can back up into your house, emptying out into your bathrooms, kitchens and laundry sinks.
Why use LTG Products
- ALL-NATURAL enzymes quickly break down and liquefy proteins, starches, carbohydrates, animal and vegetable fats & oils, and paper.
- Regular use of LTG Products in your septic tank establishes thriving colonies of waste digesting bacteria providing uninterrupted cleaning action.
- Our product formulations have powerful waste digesting characteristics.
- LTG wants to protect the environment and the oceans of our islands.
- Premium grade bacteria/enzyme/nutrient blend. Guaranteed bacteria count of at least 3 billion per gram.
- Combines the waste digesting activity of natural bacteria and free enzymes to keep septic systems, cesspools, leach fields, and drain lines free from organic buildup.
- Accurate bacteria count, unlike some companies that often claim “higher bacteria count” septic products.
- Guaranteed to work!
LTG Septic Care is dedicated towards providing the most effective line of 100% organic septic system treatment products available today.
Our specifically selected microbe strains are the strongest and most effective species to keep your septic tank system running smoothly.